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...And the Pendulum Swings...

Updated: Feb 25

I'm sure you are no stranger to the dualistic nature of our realm or the polarity that is a constant here on Earth. We see it every day: That which goes up, must come down. It is either light or dark, inside or out, left or right, with very little in between.

Well, the truth is that there are grey areas in this reality, however, we seem to swing past them so quickly and seamlessly that we barely tend to notice long enough to bat an eye. Don't we? And the pendulum swings...

We have flung ourselves vibrationally speaking from one extreme to the other. Has anyone noticed that we missed sight of the goal entirely? We were aiming for balance as a society; shooting for unity and equality amongst all...freedom for all in this new world; so, what happened?

Let me give a few examples to really highlight what I'm referring to...

Once we lived in a male-dominated society. One that devalued the lives of women, was oppressive, restrictive and women were seen more like property than people. This was the extreme of masculine energy domineering the planet, pushing us into what is now called the "patriarchy", or deemed as toxic- masculinity. BUT the pendulum swung, as it tends to do and now, we find ourselves at the extreme of the opposing energy- feminine. This has created a surge of misandry and what one would call, toxic- femininity on the planet and that which we see in today's modern American society.

But there are many examples we can see of this pendulum dynamic playing out in today's world... Many polarities. Many things that "once were" now, no longer OR changed to the entirely opposite polarity!

We have the following extremes: At one time it was commonplace in society that we collectively view homosexuality in poor light, now if you are "cis" you are seen in a bad light... Another example is it appears to be OK to be racist against WHITE people now, but was once the opposite... And we can keep going; when I was a child, America as a nation always supported Israel, now we are against? What was once based solely in logic is now solely based in feelings...These days we seem to have become magnetically drawn towards being seen as victims and this is the opposing view of the warrior/hero/work-hard-your-whole-life-and-shut-up way things once were. Do you see the polarities? Do you see how the pendulum swings?

Is there a way to get off this perpetual motion machine? (Of vibrational sorts?) Out of the vibration of extremes? Off of this never-ending rollercoaster? IS THERE A WAY to live on Earth, completely free of these extremes? The LONG answer...believe it or not, is YES! Yes we can live free of these polarities, HOWEVER, this would require us to grow, learn and expand. We have to take accountability as individuals for our own thoughts, feelings and vibrations...We would also have to hold each other accountable in Society.

We must first grow as individuals; learning our lessons of self before any of us can bring anything of value to the collective. Then we must expand beyond- breaking into the collective vibration and penetrating with our knowledge. Looking at our track record here, this could take a while. Namaste'!

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