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How to be Happy- The Power of Perspective

Updated: Jan 12

Is the glass half empty, or is the glass half full? This is a question we have asked ourselves and others for decades and yet...what does it really mean?

Essentially, this saying is all about perspective, right? But what exactly does this have to do with our happiness?

In this post, we will cover how the perspective you have for yourself and your life is directly linked to how happy or unhappy you are. ...Which is also linked to your prosperity, growth and abundance on all levels of life, from the physical blessings you may receive (money, luxury, etc.) to the intangible, such as Spiritual growth and abundance of character as well.

But WHY?? Well essentially, it's all about vibration and frequency.... The Universe is giving you the very thing that you expect to see in your life. It is reading your vibration and sending you those very vibrations back to you in return. So if you're looking at recent events or even your life as a whole and seeing how empty your glass is- the Universe will give you more emptiness and more reasons to feel that lack in your life. This is the frequency you are living on and thus, this is the frequency the Universe gives back.

So HOW do we raise our vibrations so that we can receive more blessings in our lives?

The very first and frankly easiest thing you can do to start raising your vibrations, is simply to be grateful for what you do have. Gratitude and giving thanks is incredibly powerful in raising your vibes because it naturally helps to shift your perspective... So suddenly, your glass isn't "seen" as half empty to begin with- You are now focusing on how your glass is actually halfull. This is a positive vibration; one that the Universe will respond to with positivity and blessings.

No matter how bad things seem at times there is always a blessing that we could choose to focus on instead. Examples: Maybe there was a job loss recently, however do you still have a home? If you are living out of your car, did you get to eat today? Doesn't matter how you got there, or what was eaten, just...did you eat? Was it difficult to pay those bills? Yep- but did they get paid? Most of them. Perfect!

Nope, we weren't able to take that vacation this year, but we still have our health, our families, a working vehicle, clothes on our backs, internet, whatever it is that you are blessed with! Than those are the blessings we give thanks for and those are the blessings that we focus on. Not focusing on whatever was lost.

Another way to raise your vibes through changing your perspective is to understand the esoteric nature (the BIGGER picture) of what you are experiencing. For example: Let's say you did lose that job, but let's also say that you had a long travel everyday to get there...One week after you were fired there was a 55 car pile up on the freeway (the very direction and timeframe you would have been traveling)... Suddenly this changes everything- thank GOD you were fired, right? LOL

You missed a flight... but that plane ended up crashing... Or perhaps you would have made it to your destination just fine and then would have ended up stuck there due to some unseen circumstance? Suddenly, your beautiful two week vacation turned into a living nightmare as you are held in limbo, waiting on some red-tapped technicality in some foreign country for over a month. Changes things a bit, no?

Sure, you didn't "get" to buy that house, but you were unaware that area gets robbed regularly (or the house is haunted!) Perhaps you were not promoted as you were hoping you would be, however the position really isn't what it appears to be from the get-go: Perhaps by "missing out" on the promotion, all you are really missing out on is the extra workload, dealing with people who would drive you nuts and/or a lot of responsibility that wouldn't end up fulfilling you anyway. Or maybe that person that you wanted to date so badly is actually a crazy, jealous psychopath- Or truly, any number of other scenarios that possibly wouldn't be what we expect anyway.

Can you see how perspective is everything?

There are other, much more serious scenarios that may be more difficult to view this way- Examples: The death of a beloved family member, battling severe illness etc. However, your perspective is everything in your life. You are the projector, you are the main actor in your movie, you are the one buying the tickets- you are everything in the bubble of your life and that bubble is only how you view it. So no matter what you're going through you can always choose to view things in the most positive of lights, even when it's hard...

Beyond giving thanks and being more aware, there are other things you can do to raise those vibes! Meditation, cleansings, crystals, exercise, Chakra alignment, grounding work, shadow work and being out in nature (or in your element) are all fantastic methods to raise your frequencies.

I will give a quick run-through each of the above-listed methods in order to give you an idea of how these could also help you raise your vibrations and live a happier life.

*Meditation- Meditation is a great way to relax, clear your mind and allow stress to melt away. It is also a wonderful way to connect with Spirit, Source energy and your higher selves. The connection to the other side helps you to gain that esoteric perspective and acceptance that we were tapping on earlier. This connection also helps you gain awareness of your personal power, which fosters your self-worth, self-acceptance, and personal growth.

*Cleansings- Beyond physically cleaning your space (sanitizing, decluttering, organizing etc.) Sage, incense, and even crystals are a fantastic way to cleanse your space or yourself as well. This is quite important because you want to make sure that all negative energies are dispensed and your environment remains calm. HIGHLY recommended to do before meditation.

*Crystals- Crystals, as stated above, are a great way to cleanse your space or yourself of negative energies, as well as release blocked energies and add good vibrations to your environment; because of their vibrational connection to the Earth (Gaia) and their formation, they are incredibly powerful in re-aligning Chakras and dispensing negativity.

Each stone has its own vibes, auras and properties- so do look into each crystal carefully and do research on its properties beforehand to decide whether or not that particular gem is right in meeting your end goals.

*Exercise- What happens when we exercise? Well, we increase blood flow to our muscles, we strengthen our lungs, we gain precision in our movements, we become more limber, we sweat- which releases toxins from our bodies, and thus calls us to drink water, which flushes further toxins out as well, and we sleep better as a result of this activity. All of these things are so very positive for our 3D bodies.

Being in tune with your physical body- owning the power that movement through this body provides and allowing your Spirit to connect with your 3D, Gaia-provided, avatar will essentially, help ground your Spirit to the nature of self as well. Yoga, Pelates, or just even walking will help greatly improve your mood and functions.

*Chakra Alignment- Aligning your Chakras can prove quite beneficial, especially if you are feeling very overwhelmed, stressed or physically ill. Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means "Wheel" and refers to energy points in the human body. There are 7 of these main energy points (from bottom to top): Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. If you are to choose to only focus on one of these Chakras, I HIGHLY recommend focusing on your Heart.

Also known as, "The highest heart" - this space is the most powerful for reconnection, alignment, manifestations of desires and will the most beneficial to focus on.

*Grounding Work- A very important part of Spiritual alignment, also called "Earthing", grounding is anything that reconnects you to the vibrations of Gaia- Being barefoot in dirt or laying down in the grass are probably the most common grounding techniques, however, anything that connects you to nature (smelling flowers, touching water, growing a garden etc.) can help you to ground.

*Shadow Work- Definitely the most uncomfortable and most difficult to perform correctly, Shadow Work refers to the inner "Shadow"/ Dark side that lives within us all...True to the dualistic nature of the realm in which we live, we all have both the "Light Side" and the "Dark Side" within us.

The goal here is getting to know this side of you, understanding the true power of what your darkness is capable of and accepting this side of yourself. This creates completion, wholeness, and solidifies this acceptance of ALL that you are. Just because you see this side of you does not mean you have to live in it.

*Connection With Nature- This is MUCH like grounding work and really, these two go hand-in-hand. Connecting with nature or your element will help you to re-establish your bond with the purest of vibrations and frequencies directly from Gaia.

What is your Element? Well, this is based on your Zodiac Sun Sign. Each of the twelve Zodiac Signs are split into 4 categories based on Element. If you are unsure of your Zodiac Sign, simply Google your birthday!

EARTH SIGNS: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

WATER SIGNS: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

FIRE SIGNS: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo

AIR SIGNS: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

But remember, you are MUCH more than your Sun Sign! We actually have many more astrological placements that affect how we perceive the world around us (and how others view us at any given time) - A Moon, Rising, Venus, Jupiter and MANY MORE placements that can be found in your birthchart! Feel free to check out the link below to get your FREE Birth / Natal Chart. (This is NOT a sponsored or affiliated link).

Do keep in mind, you will need your place and time of birth to get the most accurate results.

Remember my friends, we have to move THROUGH vibrations in order to move forward and elevate. This takes practice, time and effort. Be patient with yourselves as you grow to a higher vibration and begin to view things differently. <3

I hope this article finds you well and helps you to gain a new, more profitable perspective! Namaste'.

- <3 Jeanette

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